Pitti Uomo 85 is "The world’s most important platform for men’s clothing and accessory collections and for launching new projects in men’s fashion”.
If you are not in the nearby, we remind you that the fashion fair Pitti Uomo takes place every year in the fascinating Fortezza da Basso. This is a unique chance for a short break in Florence, not only because of the catwalk show for spring/summer 2014, but also for the several concerts and exhibitions organized all around Florence.
The theme for the January rendezvous is "Rock me Pitti”, a tribute to the music that lives in fashion …and vice versa!
For the diary of these 3-days Italian fashion event, let the pictures speak for themselves. We have collected the best Instagram associated to the hashtags #pittiuomo85 #pittiimmagineuomo #rockmepitti.
Shared with us your Fashion Photos, we will add them to our photo diary! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter e Instagram!